Snowpiercer: Climate Change, Apocalypse, Cannibals, Class War, Theocracy, Child Slave Labour
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Newest Mindgasms Movie Chat with Scazio A.K.A. Sheezan Alamgir, Chris James and the Woke Centrist about Snowpiercer, directed by Bong Joon-Ho, who directed Parasite, the 2019 academy award-winning Korean film about class struggle. Snowpiercer stars Chris Evans A.K.A. Captain America and is about a climate change solution that backfires and causes an apocalypse, chilld slave labour and cannibalism, which leads to a theocratic dictatorship on a train that bears the last human survivors perpetually around the train tracks on our frozen world. The lower class people at the back of the train rebel against the control of the theocratic rich people with a class war. We discuss the multiple moral and philosophical aspects of the film, the fascinating science fiction concepts, and awesome violent battles with guns, axes and clubs. Also, we talk about the interesting ambiguous parts that are open to interpretation in several different directions, plot holes, speculate about the details of how the train could have been kept running, how they provided food, dealt with and/or recycled waste, and rate the movie in comparison to Parasite:
Check out my last Mindgasms Movie Chat with Scazio, Chris James and the Woke Centrist on From Dusk Till Dawn, the 1996 film written by and starring Quentin Tarantino, directed by Robert Rodriguez, and also starring George Clooney, Harvey Keitel and Juliette Lewis. Clooney and Tarantino play thieves and brothers who are on the run from the cops after the latter busts the former out of jail. They go on a killing spree, Tarantino plays a creepy, crazy, delusional pedophile rapist, and they take Harvey Keitel’s character and his kids hostage to get smuggled across the American border to Mexico. Keitel plays a priest who lost his faith after his wife died in a car accident. They all make it across the border, and head for a strip club to rendevous with Carlos, Clooney’s drug dealer friend who is one of the multiple roles played by Cheech Marin. It turns out that the club is a den for vampires, and epic vampire battles ensue for basically the rest of the movie:
Check out the last Mixed Mental Arts Movie Chat with the Woke Centrist on my channel about the new documentary called The Social Dilemma, on how social media algorithms are designed to radicalize and addict us to outrage, and is destroying our culture by making us angry and turning us against each other in our political tribes. Truth is individually curated to each person by algorithms controlled by supercomputers manipulating you. This is done in order to keep you on scoial media for longer, so you can see more adds. Free social media websites, apps, Youtube and Google sell YOU as the product to advertisers:
Check out my playlist with every Mindgasms Movie Chat so far:
Check out my last podcast with Dusty and Tristram Johnson about morally grey protagonists and antagonists in fiction, whether they can be classified as heroes, and what makes someone qualify as that. How do we balance how good or bad the actions of the characters are against their motivations behind them, along with the relevant fiction realm in which they take place? We get into characters such as Tyrion Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin, Logen Ninefingers/The Bloody Nine and Glokta from the First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie, Gollum and Boromir from The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, Harry Dresden from The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher, Kelsier and The Lord Ruler from the Mistborn: Era 1 series by Brandon Sanderson, Verin and Logain from The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, and Darth Vader from Star Wars, directed by George Lucas:
Check out my last Mindgasms Podcast with Chris James on a recent update about how the prosecutors of the infamous, elite sociopath named Jeffrey Epstein betrayed his victims by labelling underage girls as prostitutes, undermining the only one to testify to a grand jury, and criticizing the girls’ social media to discredit them. As most people already know, Epstein ran a pedophile ring of underage prostitutes who he pimped out to his rich elite friends all over the world, like Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Saudi princes. He supposedly killed himself when he was finally in prison, but this is highly suspect to say the least, and there are plenty of warranted conspiracy theories about how he was actually murdered, and whoever did so made it look like a suicide: