Slavoj Zizek: Christianity is FEMINIST! Christians are ATHEISTS. Less Than Nothing

Philosophy Bro
2 min readJun 22, 2022


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Newest Mindgasms Book Review on the book called Less Than Nothing, by the Hegelian/Lacanian/Marxist philosopher named Slavoj Zizek. The paragraph that I am discussing is a theological one about how Christianity is feminist because God and Jesus have psychologically feminine attributes, according to the psychoanalyst, Lacan. Zizek also describes Jesus’ role as being very similar to that of a psychoanalyst. I discuss a clip of him claiming that Christianity is an atheist religion in the same way that people saw ancient Greek Gods as metaphorical, as well.

Mindgasms Book Review that is about Rule 4 in the internet famous clincal psychologist, Jordan Peterson’s newest book called Beyond Order. This rule is “Notice that opportunity lurks where responsiblity has been abdicated.” I actually like this rule for the most part, even though Peterson gets way too obsessed with responsiblity to the point that his psychological expertise does not seem to allow him to realize that being a workaholic is a huge problem. However, I do some idea sex and show that this nugget of obvious wisdom has been promoted by the ancient Greek Stoic philosopher, Epictetus in his maxim “Create your own merit.” This is from a collection of his writing and opinions called The Art of Living. I’m not as much of a fan of Stoicism as I used to be, but both Jordan Peterson’s rule and Epictetus’ maximum are good life advice to an extent.

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