Mindgasms Quickie: Joe Rogan is PRO Masterbation and PRO PORN!

Philosophy Bro
2 min readDec 14, 2020


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Newest Mindgasms Quickie on Joe Rogan recently talking in his podcast about how he masterbates, promotes it, and is all for porn. He and the Canadian evolutionary psychologist, Gad Saad, discussed how they completely disagree with the social stigmas against masterbation and porn. The former is a natural bodily function that EVERYONE should do, and so is sex. So, pornstars should not be looked down upon just because they’re sex workers:

Check out my last Quickie about The Fall of Gondolin: Tolkien’s EPIC Fantasy War: Balrogs, Dragons, Dark Eleves, Demons and Orcs VS. Wizards, Gods, Light Elves and Men. It all takes place in the First Age of Middle Earth. The Lord of the Rings is the end of the third age. it becomes the Fourth Age right at the conclusion of the story. In The Fall of Gondolon, Tuor, Prince of Men and grandfather of Elrond (because the latter is half-Elven), is main character. Gandalf and Legolas have cameos, and Glorfindel is a principle character, who kills the Lord of the Balrogs (head Balrog), gets murdered himself in the process, then gets resurrected later and helps save Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin from the Ringwaiths in The Fellowship of the Ring. Also, Malkior is the leader of Morgoth’s armies who attack Gondolin. And Aerendil helps Tuor capture and imprison Morgoth after (they think) they killed all the balrogs, and all the dragons except two of them. One of them has to be Smaug, in The Hobbit. I wonder who the other one is. Tuor dies and loses his silmaril (obviously from The Silmarlon.) Aerendil casts his into the sea. Sauron, created by Morgoth, possibly escapes imprisonmemt. There is a prophecy at the end that Morgoth will come back one day, and Arrendil will also, to stop him.) (Aerendil is a grear seafairer who is half-eleven also, and of course has one of the silmarils:

Check out my Quickie on the recent Hunter Biden scandal involving drugs, prostitutes, pedophilia, tech censorship and government corruption:

Check out my playlist with all of my Mindgasms Quickies so far:



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