Mindgasms Podcast: Tim Keefe: Postmodern Law and Justice
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Tim Keefe is back to talk about the essay on Postmodern law and justice from the Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism. We discuss how Postmodern ethics can be applied to legal theory and justice, as well as how it compares to modern legal theory and justice:
Check out my last podcast with Tim Keefe on Postmodern ethics, otherness, concepts, laws, responsibility, classification, modernism, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze, Bauman and common criticisms of Postmodernism, including those of Jordan Peterson:
Check out my playlist with every episode with Tim and others about the various aspects of Postmodernism, based on essays from The Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism:
Check out my last podcast with Tim Keefe and Polish Christian Bale about Deleuze’s thoughts on Kant, reason, rationalism, empiricism, the self, God, a priori knowledge, intuition, Hume, Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Pragmatism, Stoicism, Postmodernism, analytic vs. continental philosophy, transcendence, transcendentalism, Deleuze’s plane of immanence and philosophy of difference. This is Deleuze-ional Part 6:
Check out my playlist with all 6 parts of Deleuze-ional with Tim and others so far: