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Adam Hansen and Tim Keefe are back to talk about the book called What is Philosophy?, by Deleuze and Guattari. They were two seminal Postmodern writers and thinkers. We discuss Deleuze and Guattari’s thoughts on subjects like concepts, philosophy, science, art, identity, the metaphorical plane of immanence, and how these apply to innovation.

Check out my previous podcast with Adam Hansen and Tim Keefe:, on innovation, philosophy, culture and evolution:

Check out my last podcast with Tim Keefe and Shane Kennedy, on Postmodern art, film and literature:

Check out my previous podcast with Tim Keefe, on Heidegger: Existentialism, metaphysics, being, time, and nothing:

Check out Mixed Mental Arts here:

Check out my previous podcast with Adam Hansen and Alex Bello, on wisdom, ego, humility, confidence and suicide:

Check out my last conversation with Adam Hansen, on Mormonism, Buddhism, evolution, Stoicism, Trump and atheism:

Check Adam out on Twitter.

He’s @adhansen:

Check out his innovation company, Ideas To Go:

Also check out his Outsmart Your Instincts Podcast:



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