Mindgams Podcast: Chief Keefe: Deleuze-ional 8: Deleuze and Hegel
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Chief Keefe A. K. A. Tim Keefe is back to talk about the essay on Deleuze’s thoughts about Hegel in the book called Deleuze’s Philosophical Lineage. We also discuss Heidegger, Nietzsche, Marx, Kant, existentialism, logic, transcendental empiricism, absolute idealism, rationalism, becoming, being, consciousness, the spirit, difference, the master/slave dialectic, Platonism, nothingness and the Nothing. This is Deleuze-ional Part 8:
Check out my last episode with Tim about Deleuze’s thoughts on Solomon Maimon, Kant, differentials, infinitesmals, God, empiricism, rationalism, objects, Platonism, categories, transcendentalism, a priori vs. a posteriori synthetic concepts, and Deleuze’s Plane of Immanence. This is Deleuze-ional Part 7:
Check out my playlist with all 8 parts of Deleuze-ional with Tim and others so far:
Check out my last podcast with Tim, Shane Kennedy and Greg Sandstrom on Postmodern theology, the self, truth, reason, language, justice, culture and history. This is Postmodern Theology 2:
Check out my playlist with both episodes on Postmodern theology with Tim, Shane and Greg so far: