Jordan Peterson is WRONG About IVERMECTIN, Bill 67, CRT, Postmodernism, CRITICAL THEORY & MARXISM!
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Newest Mindgasms Quickie about internet famous, Jordan Peterson’s recent innacurate tweets about the drug called Ivermectin’s supposed effects on COVID-19. I also discuss him getting triggered about a provincial bill that was recently proposed in Ontario, Canada, which he claims is full of woke, authoritarian policies supposedly related to Postmodernism, Critical Theory, and Marxism. He claims that it will become a federal bill as well. I talk about his strawmans of Postmodernism, Critical Theory and Marxism too.
Check out my last Mindgasms Quickie about the history behind the famous Spartan warrior culture of the ancient Greek empire’s ritualized practice of what we would now see today as pedophilia. I apply this to the French Post-Structuralist philosopher named Michel Foucault’s argument in his book, “The History of Sexuality.” This is that many sexual practices and orientations declared by modern Enlightenment Institutions of science and religion as abnormal sins and medical flaws, including pedophilia and homosexuality, were widely accepted and precticed by most societies thorughout the majority of human history. Contrary to popular misconceptions of many public intellectualls who demonize so-called Postmodernism, like Jordan Peterson and James Lindsay, this certainly did not mean that Foucault was justifying or defending pedophilia.
Check out my playlist with all of my Mindgasms Quickies so far: