Jordan Peterson Beyond Order Rule 3: Express Your FEEEELINGS! Do NOT Hide Unwanted Things In The FOG
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Newest Mindgasms Book Review on rule 3 of the famous public intellectual/clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson’s newest book called Beyond Order. This is the sequel to his “12 Rules for Life.” Apparently 12 weren’t enough, so he came up with 12 more rules. I’m not a big fan of the first book, but I like this one a little more. It has some rules that make a lot of sense, and others that are dumb. This third rule is in the former category for me. It is “Do not hide unwanted things in the fog.” Like most of Peterson’s rules that are actually good, the meaning is obvious. Don’t hide your feelings. Supressing them is unhealthy, so you should be honest about them. Of course, he ties this into his broader Christian religious message in a way that is really reaching. Also, this rule is actually more about speaking out against what he labels as woke “Postmodern Neo-Marxist” social justice warriors whining about gender pronouns on college campuses. Free speech is all well and good, but Peterson is extremely hyperbolic about this supposed threat.
Check out my last Mindgasms book review that is my second video about the internet famous religious psychologist, Jordan Peterson’s new book called Beyond Order: 12 More Rules For Life. This is the sequel to his last one, “12 Rules For Life.” I guess that 12 rules were not enough, so he needed to obsess even more about responsibility for his cultish followers and himself. How many rules will there eventually be? 100? My overall opinion of this book is that it’s actually okay, though. I’m not a huge fan of his in general because he gets all kinds of facts about philosophy, politics, science, religion and history wrong. However, he makes some good points, and has helped a lot of people. Beyond Order is better than 12 Rules For Life to me because I only agreed with 2 of the rules in his last book, but I like about half of them in this one. Overall, the rules are less preachy and dumb, and there is actually some profound wisdom in it. Anyway, I’m making a video for each of the 12 rules in Beyond Order. This second rule is the typical Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung idea of being the hero of your own story in life. Pursue your goals, improve, and be the best version of yourself. I do like this rule because that is one type of life philosophy that I find admirable and useful. My problem with this is the reason behind it. Peterson advocates for being the hero in your own story basically just because the bible says so. I have no problem with people being Christian, but it annoys me that this rule is based on evangelizing about Jesus yet again. I appreciated his psychology lectures based on his first book called Maps of Meaning, more. They focused more on Jungian themes that occur in multiple religions throughout the world, rather than just Jordan Peterson’s specific narrow interpretation of Christianity.
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Check out my playlist with every video on Jordan peterson’s book called Beyond Order, so far:
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