Jordan Peterson Beyond Order: Rule 1: DO NOT Denigrate Social Institutions or Creative Achievement!
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Newest Mindgasms book review that is my first video about the internet famous religious psychologist, Jordan Peterson’s new book called Beyond Order: 12 More Rules For Life. This is the sequel to his last one, “12 Rules For Life.” I guess that 12 rules were not enough, so he needed to obsess even more about responsibility for his cultish followers and himself. How many rules will there eventually be? 100? My overall opinion of this book is that it’s actually okay, though. I’m not a huge fan of his in general because he gets all kinds of facts about philosophy, politics, science, religion and history wrong. However, he makes some good points, and has helped a lot of people. Beyond Order is better than 12 Rules For Life to me because I only agreed with 2 of the rules in his last book, but I like about half of them in this one. Overall, the rules are less preachy and dumb, and there is actually some profound wisdom in it. Anyway, I’m making a video for each of the 12 rules in Beyond Order. The first one is so verbose that I couldn’t even fit it in the title along with Peterson’s name, and the title of the book, let alone the subtitle as well. This first rule in full is “Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or creative achievement.” So, I just had to leave the word “careless” out of the rule in the title. That does make it slightly different, but it’s essentially the same message. Like other rules in the book, this one is a little misleading to say the least because Jordan Peterson pretty much just evangelizes about Jesus having mentioned how important relationships with friends and family are. I totally agree with this sentiment, but I wish he had been more honest about the message he is truly promoting. Also, I don’t have a problem with religion, and Jesus was admirable, but I can understand the wisdom of this lesson without having to be preached to about him, since I’m an atheist.
Playlist with all of my Mindgasms Quickies so far: