Jared Bauer From WISECRACK: The Matrix Resurrections: GOOD VS. EVIL, Revolution, The POWER Of Story!
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Newest Mindgams Podcast with Jared Bauer, who makes videos about movies, philosophy, culture, and other topics. He is formerly from Wisecrack, a channel about philosophy explored through the realms of film, TV, video games and popular culture. We discuss the new movie called The Matrix Resurrections, the fourth in the famous science fiction/action/philosophy series. How does this compare to the original trilogy in terms of the action, cinematography, writing, philosoophical and spiritual meaning, plot and character development? Did Lana Wachowski screw up the film, throw too much in there, repeat herself too much, not put in enough effort into it, fail to expand the original themes and/or go in the wrong direction with them? Or did it build on and evolve the orignal themes, go in new and interesting directions, repeat some ascpects with out bascially making a remake, and make an honest social commentary while breaking free of the constraints of the other movies’ responses in popular culture? Or was it somewhere in between these two extremes?
Check out my last Mindgams Quickie movie review of “The Matrix Ressurections,” the new and fourth in the series. I talk about the execution in terms of how it looks stylistically in comparison to the orignal trilogy, the degree to which the plot makes sense, along with the epic kung-fu and gun battles in comparison to those in the previous movies. Also, I discuss the new characters, their development, plus the similarities and differences between Neo and Trinity in the first three films in comparison to Resurrections. I get into the underlying philosophical and spiritual themes, how they compare to those in The Matrix 1–3, along with how they measure up, and what Lana Wachowski might have been going for in terms of the film’s message. I also rate the movie both by itself, and in comparison to the original trilogy.
Check out my last Mindgasms Podcast with Jared Bauer, formerly of the Youtube channel called Wisecrack, where they explore philosophy in movies, video games, TV shows and popular culture. We discuss the famous philosopher named Slavoj Zizek, a self-proclaimed Hegelian, Lacanian and Marxist. He is probably most well-known to the non-philosophy-nerd public for having debated the famous clinical psychologist, Youtuber and self-help author, Jordan Peterson, about Marxism, capitalism and Postmodernism. Jared and I talk about Zizek’s debate with Peterson, his interesting position on ideology, along with how the philosopher, Hegel, political and economic theorist, Marx, and psychoanalyst, Lacan, influenced him. We also discus other cool ideas of Zizek.
Check out my playlist with every Mindgasms Podcast so far:
Check out my playlist with every Mindgasms Movie Chat so far: