Hunter Biden: Drugs, Prostitutes, Pedophilia, Tech Censorship and Government Corruption

Philosophy Bro
3 min readDec 7, 2020


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Newest Mindgasms Quickie on the recent story in the New York Post about how Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has had problems with cocaine, crack, and had sex with prostitutes. There also are rumours and conspiracy theories that he is a pedophile. I know someone who knows someone who knows Hunter, who said that he was not having sex with underage girls, but was hanging out with them in China, and hanging out with them while naked in America. The alleged pedophilia was not part of the New York Post story, however, it was still censored by Faceboook and Twitter. They prevented anyone from being able to share the link for I believe the first day or two after publication. Government corruption is also an aspect of this story, in that the Ukrainian government hired Hunter Biden and paid him approximately $83 000 a month as a consultant, even though he knew nothing about energy. As a result of this, Joe Biden, who was the Vice President under Obama at the time, made favourable political and business deals with the Ukrainian government. Joe’s hypocrisy is also shown by these events, since his career has been heavily centered around being tough on crime. This included him drafting and instituting the infamous 1994 crime bill that created harsher punishments for non-violent drug offenders, such as his son. Yet, he responded with compassion and did not lay charges against Hunter when he was having problems with drug addiction:

Check out my last Mindgasms Quickie about Alcibiades, a book by the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato. It’s a dialogue between Socrates and Alcibiades about the importance of self-knowledge for participating in political life, how to define justice, how experience in war influences this, apparent differences between how men and women define justice, the potential costs of having friends as a politician, and the dangerous potential of government power:

Check out my Quickie about how and why the public intellectual and clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson, is wrong about the famous mistranslation of Derrida, “There is nothing outside the text.” The actual line was “There is nothing outside the context,” meaning that every book and everything in general has a relevant context. Peterson goes on from this mistranslation to claim that Derrida, Foucualt, and other so-called Postmodernists are relativists who argue that every interpretation of a work is valid. In reality, they were pluralists who thought that there are multiple valid interpretations of a text, yet some are more so than others. The most correct ones change over time, due to multiple factors that endlessly change the relevant context, such as culture, history, etc:

Check out my Quickie Quickie on Ben Shapiro’s puritanical hand-wringing about Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s new song/music video called WAP (Wet Ass Pussy.) It’s all about them being sexually aroused and enjoying pleasure. Ben Shapiro was outraged and disgusted by these rappers promoting female sexual pleasure. The funniest part was when he talked about how his wife is a doctor, and she apparently said that a vagina as wet as the those described in the lyrics has to belong to a woman with serious medical problems:

Here’s the link for my playlist with all of my Mindgasms Quickies so far:



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