Capitalism is FASCISM? Elon Musk, Twitter FREE SPEECH, Trump. Guattari Everybody Wants to be Fascist
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Newest Mindgasms Quickie on the Marxist philosopher, Felix Guattari’s essay called “Everybody wants to be a Fascist,” along with how it applies to the recent news that the entrepreneur and owner of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, has become majority shareholder of the social media company, Twitter. The essay is essentially about how Guattari hates capitalism so much that he compares it to the Fascism of Hitler and the Nazis during World War Two. He thinks that the desire to succeed in the capitalist system has ideologized everyone so much to the point of basicaly being psychologically self-imposed authoritarian Fascism. I discuss how we can see what Guattari might interpret as the fascism of capitalism with Twitter suppressing freedom of speech by banning former president, Donald Trump, preventing people from discussing lab leak theory in terms of COVID-19, and not allowing anyone to share an article from the New York Post about American President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden’s problem with drugs, sex with prostitutes, along with his laptop allegedly containing child porn. This is different from the psychological and ideological angle, but this hyperbolic argument can still be applied in this way.
Mindgasms Book Review that is part 3 of my series on the Marxist/Hegelian/Lacanian philosopher named Slavoj Zizek’s book about the continental German philosopher, Hegel and his aesthetics, dialectics, metaphysics, along with other aspects of his worldview. The book is called “Less Than Nothing.” In this video, I analyze an excerpt from Zizek’s debate with the internet famous clinical psychologist named Jordan Peterson about Marxism and capitalism. They are agreeing about Zizek’s interesting opinion from “Less than Nothing” that Jesus became an atheist when he thought that his God had forsaken him as he was being crucified on the cross. I get into this in more detail by talking about his essay on the subject, “A Christian Tragedy,” which applies Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis to this moment, along with some of the lesson’s in Dostoyevsky’s writing, and that of Malebranch. Zizek explains Malebranche’s claim that we lust for seeing people being tortured, which is why watching crucifixions out of supposed compassion for the victims is hypocritical. Malebranche also argues that God lusts for watching his son get murdered, and that Jesus being the form of God coming to Earth to save us from sin is impingent upon God torturing us with original sin in the first place. So, our deliverance from sin through accepting Jesus is another way of God deriving sexual pleasure from torturing us.
Mindgasms Book Review that is part 2 of my series on the Marxist Hegelian philosopher named Slavoj Zizek’s book about the continental German philosopher, Hegel and his aesthetics, dialectics, metaphysics, along with other aspects of his worldview. The book is called Less Than Nothing. This video is based on the essay, “Dialectical Gymnastics? No Thanks.” Zizek highlights a point that Parmenides makes in a dialogue of the same name, that was written by Plato. Parmenides argues that there is a weakness in Socrates’ grand theory of ideas (A.K.A. Plato’s Theory of Forms), which ultimately ends up causing it to be nothing more than dialectical gymnastics. This is because Socrates merely justifies his assumptions without examining how they apply to the real world at all.
Playlist with all of my Mindgasms Quickies so far: